URDT Institute is a vocational training institute focusing on enabling 70,000 young people
between 18-35 years to have dignified and fulfilling work opportunities. URDT uses the Satellite
Approach to train youths for three months in collaboration with artisans and agribusiness
practitioners in selected occupations under agriculture, construction and tourism, including soft
skills. AVA was selected to participate in this training. Besides having its own youths, it
oversees the work of other artisans in and around Kamwenge. It has mobilised, verified and
selected artisans and so far two cohorts of youths have been trained since 2022. The areas in
which the youths were trained include: nursery bed management and vegetable growing,
tailoring, knitting, handicrafts, hair dressing, welding and metal fabrication, motorcycle repair
and maintenance, and carpentry. The training includes assessment and certification by the
Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) which gives the trainees the possibility of going on to
upgrade in their areas of interest.

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