The African Volunteers Association (AVA) is a non-profit making civil society organisation
which was registered in Uganda in 2001 as a private company limited by guarantee without
capital share.
The beginning of AVA is rooted in an International Conference which was organised at Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), Nkozi, Uganda, from 7–10 September 1998 under the theme of eradicating poverty.
At the end of that Conference, it was resolved, that since poverty is multifaceted and multidimensional, its eradication requires full partnership with those who are disadvantaged using all possible means, organs and approaches, including NGOs, cooperatives, religious organisations and the grass-roots communities. In 1999, a National Workshop was held at UMU, and a decision was taken to form the African Volunteers Association (AVA) which was later registered in 2001 to put in place means of starting projects and institutions to facilitate sharing of material, personal and knowledge necessary for prosperity creation. Since then, AVA has found it important to refocus its objectives to be promotion of social and environmental justice. AVA has brought on board the achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include addressing unemployment, promoting food security, gender and youth issues. We have found it necessary to clarify that being a volunteer does not 2 just mean working for nothing: it is a serious ethical commitment to be in solidarity with other people, convinced that by sharing what we are and have we are also enriched. In fact, for AVA, volunteers are asked to contribute towards the sustenance of AVA’s activities.

Through its different engagements and activities, AVA has acquired expertise and experience in:
- Managing the environment, especially in the promotion of plant biodiversity
- Promoting use of traditional medicine
- Revalorising use of African science and knowledge
- Training and skilling the youths in different areas
- Community engagement and education especially to promote health and wellness
- Research in plant biodiversity and conservation in relation management of the environment and food security
- Promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals in general
Integrated Community and Sustainable Development
Working with communities to promote sustainable development.
• Integrity
• Solidarity
• Justice
• Voluntarism
a. Aim
The aim of AVA is to promote social justice and environmental justice
b. Objectives
More specifically, AVA’s objectives are:
1. To establish institutions and platforms for empowering people to fight poverty.
2. To create institutions and frameworks to facilitate the sharing of material and personal resources by using an African approach.
3. To facilitate the pursuit of education, training, research and consultancy in different areas to promote social and environmental justice.
4. To make known and operationalise national and international legal instruments relating to promoting social justice, and conservation of animal and plant biodiversity.
5. To contribute towards promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals especially in relation to gender, environment, disability, employment and food security.
6. To create and use international and international networks for promoting social and environmental justice, by prioritising African cultural practices.